STA Reflection ’23- Bitania

My time spent as a Student Technology Assistant (STA) has been very good experience, both personally and professionally. In this reflective essay, I will delve into the technical and non-technical skills I acquired, the challenges I faced, and the aspects of the role that I enjoyed the most. 

During my time as an STA, I had the opportunity to learn and use various technical tools and software, including: 

  • LaTeX: A powerful typesetting system for creating professional documents 
  • Adobe Photoshop: An industry-standard software for image editing and graphic design 
  • GitHub: A platform for version control and collaboration using Git 
  • PowerPoint: A widely-used presentation software 
  • RStudio: An integrated development environment for R, a programming language for statistical computing and graphics 
  • Excel: A spreadsheet software for data management and analysis 
  • iMovie: A video editing software for macOS 
  • Canva: A graphic design platform for creating visual content 

In addition to these technical skills, I was also able to develop my non-technical abilities, such as: 

  • Customer service and engagement: Interacting with students and providing assistance with their technology-related needs 
  • Assisting during workshops: Supporting instructors and participants in technology workshops 
  • Communication skills: Effectively conveying information and collaborating with team members and students 

One of the challenges I faced was setting attainable and realistic goals. I tended to set broad goals, which often proved to be unachievable. To overcome this, I learned to break down my goals into smaller, more manageable tasks, allowing me to track my progress and make adjustments as needed. 

The working environment as an STA was one of the aspects I loved the most. The friendly and close-knit atmosphere fostered a sense of camaraderie and collaboration. Moreover, the primary focus of our job was to learn about digital technologies to teach and help other students. This not only allowed me to acquire a wide range of technical skills but also instilled a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in assisting my peers. 

My experience as a Student Technology Assistant has been invaluable. It has provided me with a strong foundation in both technical and non-technical skills, which I believe will serve me well in my future endeavors. The challenges I faced have taught me the importance of setting realistic goals and adapting to different situations. Lastly, the supportive and collaborative working environment has made my time as an STA truly enjoyable and memorable.