Unity Workshop

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In this beginner-friendly workshop, you will learn some fundamental concepts in game design and development as well as how to create a working 2D platformer game using Unity game engine with C# scripting. This type of games include Flappy Birds, Super Meat Boy, and Super Mario. But we will not go that far, it will be a very simple game to get you started with game programming.

No prior knowledge is required. Exercise files will be provided. But, please bring a laptop/device with Unity and Visual Studio pre-installed (it’s free!) if you plan on programming along with us.


UNITY: https://unity.com/pricing#plans-student-and-hobbyist


WINDOW: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/

MAC: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/

If you are unable to install the software for any reason, feel free to reach out to us and we’ll figure out a way. Register early since we have a limit capacity.

We are excited to see you for the workshop!


  • 4:00 PM: Workshop begins at McCoy Lab in Andrews Library (Lower 1 floor)
  • Introduce to game design and game programming, reminder to install Unity, Visual Studio, and exercise files
  • Talk about workshop objective: to create a simple 2D Flappy-bird-style game
  • Walkthrough Unity interface:
    • (A) The Toolbar 
    • (B) The Hierarchy window is a hierarchical text representation of every GameObject in the Scene
    • (C) The Game view simulates what your final rendered game will look like. When you click the Play button, the simulation begins
    • (D) The Scene view allows you to visually navigate and edit your Scene
    • (F) The Inspector window allows you to view and edit all the properties of the currently selected GameObject
    • (G) The Project window displays your library of Assets that are available to use in your Project
    • (H) The status bar reports issues detected (even syntactical erro on the game scripts)
  • Walkthrough the game tutorial, key concepts:
    • Scene: an environment that hold game object together
    • Sprite: visual assets of the game, including backgrounds, platforms, equipments, weapons, characters…
    • Skybox: an enclosed cube that is used as a game background, like a room that the game happens
    • Game Object: a unit in the game scene, acts as a container for components that control how the game works
    • Prefab: a blueprint (cookie cutter) of a game object
    • Canvas: a game object that acts as the master of user interface (UI) elements on the game screen
  • 4:50 PM: Finish walk through, game demo
  • Feedback, questions for the host

Register for your spot at this workshop!

Additional Resources:

  • Unity Documentation: https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/index.html
  • My favorite beginner tutorial: https://youtu.be/XtQMytORBmM
  • Beginner tutorials: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPV2KyIb3jR5QFsefuO2RlAgWEz6EvVi6