Creating Virtual Worlds with Unity

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Unity is a free cross-platform game engine developed by Unity Technologies and used to develop video games and immersive 3D environments for computers, consoles, mobile devices and websites. In this workshop we’ll focus on what Unity can do. We’ll be using some free Unity Asset Store packages to build a simple scene you can walk around in with a house, trees, and lighting. To access the Asset Store you will need to first create your own free Unity account. Please do this before attending the workshop.

Unity is available for download for Windows and Macs at


  1. Importing Assets
  2. Terrain
    • Height
    • Trees
    • Details
    • Textures
  3. Drag & Drop Prefabs
  4. Directional Lighting
    • Shadows
  5. Rigidbodies and Cameras
    • Bloom
    • Colliders
  6. Skybox
  7. Quality Settings
  8. Google Cardboard
