Category: Presentation

  • Photo Essay

    Image of a person taking a photo blurred lights with their phone

    What is a photo essay? A photo essay is a series of photos with captions and accompanying text that explores a single subject. Some examples of photo essays may be seen in publications such as magazines or editorial spreads. Tips for taking a photo To get the best photograph, here are some tips to help…

  • Create Interactive Posters with Augmented Reality

    Overview When presenting a poster at conferences or conventions, the ability to understand your project can get lost in a wall of text and static data. Augmented Reality [AR] can enhance and highlight your project with movement and sound. AR is defined as the use of technology that overlays digitally generated information over what the user sees in the real world (Webster Online Dictionary). People visiting a poster can download an app…

  • Adobe Illustrator Basics

    Agenda This workshop provides tools and resources to make basic flat designs by using Illustrator.  Attendees will create a full-featured graphic design with variation of colors and shapes. Agenda By the end of this session, attendees will Learn how to use the Ai interface Know what is flat design Know how to set up a…

  • is a free online infographics presentation software available for free at What is an infographic? An infographic is a visual presentation of information and data in the form of images, charts, and graphs. There is minimal text on an infographic, and what text is present is often used to title imagery. Infographics are…

  • Prezi workshop

    Prezi is an online presentation software available for free at Prezi is a visual storytelling software that provides greater flexibility than traditional slides like PowerPoint. Prezi presentations offer a map-like canvas that enables users to pan between topics, zoom in on desired details, and pull back to reveal context.