Graphic Design in Canva Sp24

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Learn the process of designing a poster on Canva with respect to graphic design principles. After this workshop taught by Digital Media Assistant, Lina Boughton, students will leave with a better understanding of graphic design and Canva functionality. Bringing a device with Canva access, preferably a laptop, is encouraged. Setting up a Canva account prior to the workshop and bringing your own personal designs/ideas is also encouraged. We hope to see you there!


  1. Graphic Design & Canva
    • The design process in Canva
      1. Add your information
        • Use the Text and Upload tabs to add essential information to your design
      2. Figure out a layout
        • Use the Design tab to plan out your design with respect to alignment and proximity
      3. Pick a style, add some graphics, and build your design
      4. Add some flash!
        • Use the layers and text effects features to finish off your design
    • Group example – improving a bad design
    • Free design worktime with assistance
  2. Closing