Guidelines for Creating Video and Audio

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Educational Technology has put together a post to help students for this virtual IS Symposium with creating video and audio files to showcase their work. Students should consult with their advisors and departments on specifics about the presentation style and format.

Educational Technology is here to help with Office 365 applications (including Teams), poster creation, video support and more:

Guidelines for Creating Videos

Recording and Sharing Video

Educational Technology Recommendations

Visit Educational Technology’s one stop shop post about Video Lecture Options for your needs on recording a video presentation. Most of these options create a video file.

Our recommendation is to upload video to Microsoft Stream, the College’s supported video streaming service through our Office 365 subscription. Please see our Stream post for more details on uploading, downloading, and sharing video.

Using YouTube or Vimeo

If you choose to use YouTube or Vimeo for your video, please consult their resources. Should you run into any other issues, please reach out to Educational Technology for further assistance.

Guidelines for Creating Audio

Recording and Sharing Audio

Listed below you will find Educational Technology’s recommendations for recording audio for your presentation.

Best Tips for Recording & Editing Video and Audio Files

Educational Technology has put together some best tips for recording and editing video and audio files.

  • Brainstorm and draft out your plans on how you will create the video or audio.
  • Outline and think about what content is the most important to share.
  • Write out a script to help you as you as you record.
  • Decide on the key features that you might need to include (i.e music)
  • Practice. You do not have to get this perfect the first time.
  • Try to use a quiet location (if possible) to help with ambient sounds but realize that it might not be perfect.
  • When filming, making sure there is enough light.