The Unity Game Development series is designed to introduce attendees to Unity. Attendees will create a simple, platformer-like game to learn Unity’s concepts. By the end of the series, attendees should have a single ‘level,’ in which they can jump around collecting objects and avoiding death.
Unity will be available on the lab computers in Taylor 205 or can be downloaded at
Session I Agenda
By the end of this session, attendees will
- Have an idea of the scope of Unity (what sort of projects it can create)
- Be able to navigate the Unity user interface
- Understand what a gameobject is
- Feel confident placing gameobjects into a scene and manipulating their location, scale, and rotation
Session Outline:
- Exploring the Scope of Unity
- Setting Up a Project
- Introducing Scenes
- Introducing Game Objects and Tags
- Importing Prefabs and Managing Assets
- Manipulating Game Objects
- Introducing Object Hierarchy
- Importing Standard Camera Package
- Moving Camera
Session II Agenda
By the end of this session, attendees will
- Understand the concept of colliders
- Complete a platform like obstacle course
- Use a first-person character controller to navigate it
- Create death objects
Session Outline:
- Creating Objects
- Squares
- Planes
- Spheres
- Creating Player
- Collisions
- Death Planes
- Death Spheres
- Lighting
- Ambient Lighting
- Pixel Lighting
- Parent-Object Hierarchy
Session III Agenda
By the end of this session, attendees will
- Understand the Basics of the Unity User Interface Components
- Implement a Simple Score System
- Animate Platforms
Session Outline:
- User Interface
- Creating a Canvas
- Adding Text
- Editing Text
- Parenting Canvas
- Linking Text to Score (might do this bit after animation!)
- Animation
- Setting Up Animation
- Animator Controller
- Create an Animation
- Linking Animation to Controller Entry State
- Add Animator Component
- Recording an Animation
- Animation State Change
- Setting Up Animation