Category: News

  • I&P Operations during COVID-19

    Information & Planning is maintaining operations while transitioning as many staff to remote work as possible.  We know that our division’s continued operation is essential in supporting students, staff, and faculty in this new way of working.  Read on for what we are doing. Follow us on Twitter @WoosterITAlerts and @woosteredtech for updates. Morgan 4th…

  • Technology Resources & Support for Students

    We welcome you back – virtually – from break.  Educational Technology and Technology Services have been working with your faculty and staff across the campus to make the transition to remote teaching, learning, mentoring, and student engagement.  Suffice it to say, that this is a very new way of working for our community, and members…

  • Continuity Workshops

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    Educational Technology is offering workshops – virtually via video call in Microsoft Teams – for faculty to support continuity of instruction. Sessions will focus on implementing Moodle features and Office 365 tools such as OneDrive, PowerPoint, and Teams. For self-service resources, please visit our Recommendations for Continuity of Instruction post. Video recordings of workshops are…

  • Pre-semester Ed Tech Workshops for Faculty 2019

    Educational Technology is hosting pre-semester workshops for faculty on Monday, August 12 and Monday, August 19. Topics include: Below are the times. Workshops will be held in Andrews Library McCoy Lab (past Special Collections) unless otherwise noted. Registration is available on our Events page. Registration is not required, but appreciated. Monday, August 12th9:30 AM –…

  • NCPH Digital Media Group

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    Recently, Educational Technology’s Megan Smeznik joined the National Council on Public History’s Digital Media Group as a committee member for the Digital Public Lab. Megan participated and led a workshop during the Digital Public Lab during the annual meeting for NCPH this year in Hartford, Connecticut. The Digital Media Group is responsible for keeping the…

  • Microsoft Office 2019 Available for All College Users

    Office 2019 is available for all students, faculty, and staff! Our licensing allows five installs per user across any combination of macOS, Windows, iOS, or Android. Office 2019 comes with a variety of updates, most notably vast improvements to collaboration features using Office 365. Now, for any documents, spreadsheets, etc. that are saved in your OneDrive,…

  • Share your Feedback on Ohio’s K-12 Technology Model Curriculum

    You can be part of the effort to review the draft Ohio K-12 Model Curriculum for Technology! The State Board of Education adopted the revision of Ohio’s Learning Standards for Technology in 2017. Since July 2018, Emily Armour has been part of the Working Group comprised of Ohio educators from K-12 and higher education to…

  • NCPH Conference Recap

    The National Council on Public History conference took place in Hartford, Connecticut March 27-30th. The conference brings together public historians from all over to discuss, workshop, share, collaborate, and much more on challenges and opportunities within the public history field. Digital Public History Lab I feel very lucky to have facilitated a session and participated…

  • Fun in PowerPoint: Updates

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    Updates will probably soon be rolling out on your device for Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Here is a preview at some new updates that you can expect to see coming your way soon for your Windows or Mac OS. Inserting Online Videos You no longer need a separate plugin for PowerPoint to insert a video from…

  • LibriVox: Free Domain Audio Books

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    Need to listen to a story or play for a class? Want to use the audio for a project or research? You don’t need to open your wallet or ask for permission to use any of it.LibriVox is an archival website containing audio books of plays and stories that are free domain. All materials are…