Category: News

  • Welcome to Technology@Wooster

    screenshot of Technology website with Welcome

    Welcome to our redesigned Technology site! You can find articles, documentation, and support services from Technology Services, Educational Technology, and Applications Development. Visit our Staff and Contact Us menu items for more details. We welcome you to use the Search bar to find information across the site. Our documentation articles are now available in the…

  • Pre-semester Ed Tech Workshops for Faculty 2022

    August calendar with text Ed Tech workshops

    Educational Technology hosted pre-semester workshops for faculty on Friday, August 19, 2022. Sessions were recorded and are linked below. Moodle Basics Moodle is the College’s learning management system that provides an online course space for every course section. All instructors and students are automatically enrolled. Join us to familiarize yourself and ask questions about course format and…

  • Courses now available in Moodle

    This is a quick note to let those teaching courses that their courses are now available in Moodle. Login process  To log in to Moodle, you MUST click the OpenID Connect button first and then follow the prompts; entering your username and password on the Moodle login page will not work.  If you are new…

  • Spring 2022 Workshops for faculty and staff

    image with gold snowflakes and Spring 2022 Workshops for faculty and staff

    Educational Technology professional staff and our Microsoft training partners are facilitating sessions in January, February, and March. Read on for details. Student Technology Assistants (STAs) and professional staff are offering a series of workshops crafted mainly for students working on academic and personal digital projects but which are open to everyone. See our Spring 2022 Ed Tech Workshops post…

  • Qualtrics XM Higher Ed Community

    Qualtrics Logo

    Qualtrics has recently launched a Higher Education group in their XM Community.In this Group you can: Connect and network with others through the Group member directory Showcase work and projects in your area of interest, including uploading QSFs See upcoming webinars and events specific to your interests View new and important announcements from Qualtrics and…

  • #ICYMI: October 1, 2021

    Educational Technology #ICYMI

    Moodle Tips Just a reminder that Educational Technology maintains and updates the Moodle Professional Development course. It is the best place to find information on everything Moodle. Workshops Educational Technology will be hosting some workshops for faculty, staff, and students about using Microsoft Word for formatting documents. Please see the links below for more information.…

  • Technology Services Initiative

    Single Sign On for Apple

  • Tax season phishing

    people night dark laptop

    It’s tax season.  It’s also a prime phishing season (and the start of real fishing season).   A few scams are circulating, including one targeting individuals with .edu email addresses.  Specifically, the IRS notes: The suspect emails display the IRS logo and use various subject lines such as “Tax Refund Payment” or “Recalculation of your tax refund payment.” It asks people to click a…

  • GoodCycling

    Sometimes, we have a need for gently used, still supported tech equipment for a good, Wooster-mission-related purpose. We need smartphones.  With them, we can ensure every student has a mobile device that can be used to connect on campus, receive campus emergency notifications, and use College apps. If you’ve recently upgraded your device — or…

  • Best Practices: Teams Setup

    Image with stylized cartoon faces and icons connected by lines around a cartoon laptop displaying the Teams icon

    Here are some suggestions and tips for when you set up your Teams. Things to Consider Before Creating a Team Who do you want to collaborate with in Teams? How will you use your Team? What is the purpose of your Team? What permissions will you give your team members? Do you already have an…