STA Reflection ’24 – Jessica

smiling cartoon sun behind cloud with script text "Tech Rules"

Hello, my name is Jessica, and I’m one of the Student Technology Assistants for Education Technology. As an STA, I assist with digital projects, create posts for Instagram, help with Independent Study formatting, and create blog posts to upload on Technology@Wooster’s website. I have also learned and engaged with emerging technologies such as Canva, ChatGPT, as well as creating social media posts. During my time, I have hosted a few workshops over the years. Some examples of workshops that I have hosted are Animate in Canva, Beginner’s Guide to Website Design, and Audacity

Over this past year I have learned a bit of JavaScript. I worked through a YouTube video on how to build a To Do website where you are able to create a virtual To Do list. The list is able to add, delete, and check the items completed. I studied this to develop my skills in web development since I already have an understanding of HTML and CSS.   

In addition to learning more JavaScript, I also hosted two workshops this past school year. In the fall, I hosted Canva for Creatives and in the spring I hosted Animate in Canva. 

The goal I had in mind when hosting the Canva for Creatives workshop was to introduce students to professional uses for Canva outside of poster creation. I taught the students how to create an e-book cover in Canva as well as business cards. I was extremely excited to talk about the business cards since students would be able to use them for work or for their small business. I have used Canva personally for their business cards and they are very great quality! 

The goal for the Animate in Canva workshop was to show students an advanced feature for content creation. The animation that they re-created was having their animation change from daytime to nighttime. 

If you’re interested in technology, learning software, and creating promotional content you should consider joining our team as an STA.