Q. What are the minimum requirements I need to meet in regard to academic and judicial standing in order to be an RA?
A. During the application process, professional staff members review judicial records and the academic standing of each applicant. All applicants, as well as current staff members, must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.7 per semester, and as a cumulative GPA. When reviewing judicial records, we are looking to ensure candidates do not have a significant judicial history. If you have specific concerns regarding your academic or judicial standing, do not hesitate to reach out to Residence Life (reslife@wooster.edu) for additional information.
Q: How do I sign up for an individual interview? What is the format of the individual interview?
A: You will be sent a link to a Microsoft Bookings site to sign up for interviews after your application has been reviewed. This review includes both a conduct and GPA review. In this invitation you will also be provided a list of topics that we will be covering in the interview so that you can be prepared to answer questions fully. Please make sure that you sign up for a time that works for your schedule and by the deadline provided.
Q. How does the RA position affect my financial aid?
A. Please contact the Financial Aid Office at (330) 263-2317 to find out how the compensation would affect your individual package. This is a very important step in the process as the RA position may affect each person’s financial aid package differently.
Q. What is the compensation for the RA position?
A. A single room in a residential space at the double room rate. Please be aware that all rooms will not be equal. The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to assign a Resident Assistant to a different assignment or a temporary roommate in the event of a housing shortage.
- 1st and 2nd semester RAs- 50% credit for room and meal plan
- 3rd and 4th semester RAs- 60% credit for room and meal plan
- 5th semester, and beyond, RAs- 70% credit for room and meal plan
Q. Can I have other jobs while being an RA?
A. RAs can work up to 10 hours in another on or off-campus position. However, if the RA’s supervisor feels that they are over-extended due to extracurricular commitments and are not fulfilling their responsibilities as an RA, this may be a place where the individual is required to make changes.
Q. In what and how many co-curricular activities am I allowed to participate?
A. Co-curricular opportunities are an essential part of the college experience, so we do not set a time limit for these kinds of activities. However, it is important to remember that the RA position must be your first priority after your academic work. We want our RAs to be well-rounded involved students without burning themselves out. If we feel that an RA is over-extended and is not fulfilling their responsibilities as an RA, these would be the types of commitments we’d ask staff to re-prioritize.
Q. What is the department’s policy regarding RAs using/possessing alcohol or drugs?
A. It is necessary for the department to uphold The Scot’s Key as well as local, state, and federal laws. There is no tolerance for illicit drug use amongst the staff. If an RA is found responsible for the use of illicit drugs, a potential consequence may be the immediate loss of their RA position. We take a similar stance when it comes to alcohol. Residence Life staff who are 21 or older and choose to consume alcohol are expected to do so responsibly. If an RA who is under the legal drinking age is found responsible for the misuse of alcohol, a potential consequence may be the loss of their job.