Category: Professional Development

  • Microsoft Teams

    screenshot of Teams interface

    Microsoft Teams is a digital hub that brings chat, video calls, files, and apps together in one place – all from a single experience in Microsoft 365. Any College user can create a Team. Visit our Teams Types post to compare features in the various Team types available.. Further support Class Teams Teams Meetings – Video…

  • Pre-semester Ed Tech Workshops for Faculty 2019

    Educational Technology is hosting pre-semester workshops for faculty on Monday, August 12 and Monday, August 19. Topics include: Below are the times. Workshops will be held in Andrews Library McCoy Lab (past Special Collections) unless otherwise noted. Registration is available on our Events page. Registration is not required, but appreciated. Monday, August 12th9:30 AM –…

  • Microsoft Teams for Blended Learning

    When prompted to identify and evaluate a tool, application or resource that supports learning in an alternative learning environment (e.g., blended, flipped, fully online, project-based learning. etc.), I have selected Microsoft Teams for Classes. Our College values face-to-face interaction and offers no classes which are strictly online. We host a Moodle instance with a course site for every credit-bearing class and offer…

  • NCPH Digital Media Group

    White paper poster with yellow stickie notes

    Recently, Educational Technology’s Megan Smeznik joined the National Council on Public History’s Digital Media Group as a committee member for the Digital Public Lab. Megan participated and led a workshop during the Digital Public Lab during the annual meeting for NCPH this year in Hartford, Connecticut. The Digital Media Group is responsible for keeping the…

  • “Stories of the Future”- Garage Stories

    Saturday, April 27th from 8am to midnight storytellers, developers, artists, and other creatives interested in XR (Extended Reality or an umbrella term for Mixed, Augmented, and Virtual Reality) were brought together at Institute for the Future (IFTF) in Palo Alto, California. Garage Stories is an organization bringing people from various fields together to create and…

  • NCPH Conference Recap

    The National Council on Public History conference took place in Hartford, Connecticut March 27-30th. The conference brings together public historians from all over to discuss, workshop, share, collaborate, and much more on challenges and opportunities within the public history field. Digital Public History Lab I feel very lucky to have facilitated a session and participated…

  • NCPH Digital History Pedagogy Workshop

    Chalk board with arrows around the word knowledge

    Agenda Introduction Examples and Exploring Pedagogy Experiment Questions and Wrap Up Resources Contact Information Megan Smeznik, Educational Technology Associate: Arts and Humanities Institution: The College of Wooster Email: Website: Workshop:

  • Designing Immersive Empathy 360-VR Experiences: A NERCOMP Workshop 2018

    Black and white photo of two people playing with virtual reality headset

    NERCOMP hosted a workshop on designing empathic 360-VR experiences for faculty and IT- professionals in higher education at Fairfield University in Fairfield, CT. Immersing Students with Empathy Dr. Milena Batanova is developing empathy workshops for teachers to use in K-12 classrooms. Harvard’s Making Caring Common Project offers resources for teachers and families to show and…

  • The Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science 2018 at Loyola University Chicago

    Digital Humanities and Computer Science 2018 logo

    Loyola University Chicago hosted the DHCS 2018 Conference on November 9th – 11th showcasing graduate and professional scholars in many unique projects in the Digital Humanities.  Below are a few projects that allowed me to bring back new ideas to Wooster. The Muddle Project  Loyola graduate students Taylor Brown and Rebecca Parker introduced and workshoped…

  • Voices: WordPress at Wooster

    What is Voices? The College hosts a WordPress multi-site installation where faculty and students can create sites called Voices. Users can select from a variety of themes including those intended for websites or blogging. Faculty have the option to create a course site and can add students as users with varying degrees of permissions (editor…