Housing Selection

2025-26 Housing Selection

Please make sure you take time to read through the Housing Agreement. You will need to complete this agreement before you are able to apply for any programs or select a housing space. Below you will find all necessary information regarding dates and application processes for housing. If you have additional questions regarding any part of the housing selection process, please feel free to stop by the Residence Life Office. The housing selection process is scheduled to conclude before the start of Spring Break, so please keep an eye on your Wooster email for information and updates.

Fall 2025-Spring 2026 Housing Rates (Finalized January 2025)

2024-2025 Rates:

Room TypeRateDescription
Multiple$7,040any Double or Triple room in a Residence Hall
Single$8,190any Single room in a Residence Hall
House$7,640any room in a House or Apartment
Suite$9,110Gault Schoolhouse Suites

Important Dates for Fall 2025- Spring 2026 Housing Selection

October 1stHousing Selection Marketing Begins. Information about the upcoming housing selection process will be shared via email, social media, and campus postings.
Starting November 1stALL students should sign into Housing Self-Service to sign their Housing Agreement for General Selection Entry. Students should begin pairing with roommate(s) if applicable.
– Service House Application Opens
– Senior Specialized Housing (Class of 2026 only) Opens
– All Gender, Language Suites, and First-Gen App Opens
-Off Campus Exemptions Application Opens
November 13thService Fair for students interested in living in Service Houses in the Alley (1pm – 3pm).
November 15thProgram & Service House Selection begins, housing application for Service Houses closes.

Program Houses Provided Rosters for Assigned Houses (Orgs Must Fill House).
December 1stBissman Hall Sections offered to FSL Organizations.
December 6thRosters for Program Houses Due to Julia Zimmer and Christine Dunson.

Service Agencies must submit finalized list for service houses.
December 13thFSL Sections Due to Gabby Hiller and Christine Dunson.
December 16thAll Service House and Program House Assignments Finalized and Emailed to Students.
January 21stAll Gender, Language Suites, and First-Gen App Closes.
January 22nd (11am-1pm)General Housing Selection Tabling in Lowry Center.
January 31stOff-Campus Exemption, Housing Accommodation Applications Due and Senior Specialized Housing Application Due.

All Housing Agreements Due for General Selection.
February 3rdRosters Due for All-Gender, Language Suites, and First-Generation Communities.
February 6thHousing Selection Times Provided for All Remaining Students
February 18thSenior Specialized Housing Lottery.
Week of February 26thGeneral Housing Selection: Single Room, Double/Triple Room, Suites (Gault Manor and Gault Schoolhouse)

Housing Self-Service

The Residence Life Office continues to use eRezlife as the primary software for housing selection. https://wooster.erezlife.com/ can be used to open the housing portal and again access to all housing selection applications and forms. Students will be able to create profiles to help find roommates, and choose housing assignments online.

Gender Inclusive Housing Policy

The College offers Gender Inclusive Housing for all upper-class students in certain residence halls. This means that students may live with any individual regardless of their gender identity. Communities where gender inclusive housing is available includes: Armington, Babcock, Brush, Gault Manor, Gault Schoolhouse, gender neutral sections of Holden Hall, Kenarden, Luce, Stevenson, Miller Manor, and West Minster Cottage.

Please note that certain floors may be gendered in these buildings (basement of Kenarden, Ground floor and specific sections of Holden Hall).

Please note that Gender Inclusive Housing is different than the All Gender Living, Learning Community. More information for the All Gender Community can be found here: https://inside.wooster.edu/sgi/housing/

Selection Process for Campus Houses

The Office of Residence Life has structured the Campus House selection process to foster student engagement with community partners or College Organizations.

The following goals when it comes to the campus house experience: ensure that those that are living in the houses are having an engaging educational experience that is incorporating best practices and that those living there are committed to the house for the right reasons; the community partners feel like they are being honored and respected; that we don’t leave our community partners hanging at the end of the year if a group “disappears”; and lastly, anyone who wants this type of experience has the opportunity to apply and be a part of the service house experience. Students apply individually to these houses.

  • No new community partners or campus programs. We have established a list of service agencies that we have developed relationships with and would like to continue working with The College and student volunteers.
  • The Office of Residence Life will reach out to existing partners to see if they want/are able to continue and find out what their ideal number of participants is.
  • To ensure equitable access to these houses, individuals will not apply as a group, but will apply as an individual or with a roommate to a specific service.
  • Those applying as an individual could be placed with a roommate. There are no guaranteed singles.

Please see the following houses on campus:

Program Houses (Student must be on the active roster for the organizations below to be considered for a program house)

  • Greenhouse
  • Women of Images
  • Live Action Role Play (LARP)
  • African Student Union (ASU)
  • Jewish Student Organization (Formerly Hillel)
  • Common Grounds

Service Houses (Students may be interviewed and selected by external agency to be considered for a service house)

  • Aspire
  • Boys & Girls Club
  • Community Breakfast (Trinity UCC)
  • Cornerstone Playlab
  • Edgewood Middle School
  • Girls on the Run
  • Goodwill
  • Homework for Hoops (Anazao Community Partners)
  • Humane Society
  • OHuddle
  • People to People

Conduct Checks During the Housing Selection Process

Some housing options (Houses, Gault Schoolhouse, Senior Specialized housing) require students to be in good conduct standing. Students who fail to meet conduct standards will be notified and can follow up with the Residence Life Office.


Housing Selection is a process that happens every spring semester. In this process, students go through a process to choose their rooms for the following year. The following questions are ones that are frequently asked before the process begins.

When does the housing selection process start?

The housing agreement will be available November 1st. Students should begin the process of deciding what kind of housing they would like to apply for, as well as who they want to live with. We will also have Residence Life staff available through Tabling in Lowry to answer questions (see timetable above).

What is the housing agreement?

The housing agreement is the terms and conditions for housing at the College of Wooster. This includes all dates, liabilities, and policies for living on campus. Students who live on-campus, must agree to this agreement on a yearly basis and are held responsible for all information within.

How do I apply for Housing?

Housing applicants can apply for housing through their eRezLife accounts. Please contact reslife@wooster.edu for any questions regarding your login. Please find below a step-by-step guide to walk you through the process of applying for housing.  

To Apply for Housing

  1. Login into your eRezLife account. 
  2. All housing application forms are available under the Housing Overview tab. You will also have a recommended action to ‘Apply for housing’ that will take you to the housing overview.
  3. Click the “Apply now” button beside the housing you wish to apply. 
  4. If you haven’t completed your housing profile and profile questions, you may be required to complete both the housing profile and housing profile questions before proceeding to the housing application form.

How do I get a housing selection time?

Housing selection times are assigned to students based on class year. This year, housing selections times will be used for Senior Specialized Housing and General Selection (Single, Double, Triple Room/Suite Selection). “Priority Numbers” have changed as a result of the new housing software, but similar to previous years Seniors select first, followed upcoming Juniors, and followed by upcoming Sophomore students. More information to come!

What options do I have for housing?

Students have the option of the following types of housing: single rooms, double rooms, triple rooms, houses, suites in the Schoolhouse, Luce World Language and Culture suites, Senior Specialized, First Generation Housing Community, Admissions Hosts, All Gender Housing, Program Houses, Service Houses, and Greek Housing.

If you want to participate in General Housing Selection (Single, double and triple rooms with no theme affiliation or suites) then you only need to fill out the Housing Agreement and pair with a roommate (if applicable) before General Housing Selection in February. 

What is the difference between all gender community and gender inclusive housing?

The mission of All-Gender Housing is to provide a safe and supportive community for people of all genders, including transgender, cisgender, and non-binary students. This program is dedicated to comfort, camaraderie, security, education, and empowerment. Anyone who is more comfortable living in an all-gender space is welcome and will be treated with respect to their person hood, identity, and privacy. The space is queer-friendly, but not queer-exclusive.

Gender Inclusive Housing is available in all upper-class Residence Halls, Miller Manor, and Westminster Cottage. Students do not need to apply for this housing option.

How do I get into a single room?

Single rooms are part of general selection. This means that students who choose not to have a roommate will be able to select one of the single room options available pending their selection time and the remaining number of single rooms.

How do I sign up for Senior Specialized Housing?

Senior Specialized Housing is a housing process only for upcoming senior students (class of 2026). Students who are part of the class of 2025 or students who are taking a 5th year (Wooster Plus equivalent) are not eligible for Senior Specialized Housing. Students who sign up for this housing process will be placed in a lottery for the following locations:

  • Arn House
  • East End Apartments (723 & 725)
  • Kennedy Apartments (A, B, C, & D)
  • Henderson Apartments (A, B, C, D, E, & F)
  • Fairlawn Apartments (1015, 1017, 1019, 1021, 1023)
  • Morris House

Do I get to pick my own roommate and how does that happen?

RoomeeZ Applicant Experience Overview

As continuing students you are able to select your roommates for the following year. Once you have completed your application you will be able to fully configure your Roommate profile and start searching for potential roommates.

  1. First the applicant must ‘turn on my profile’ and fill out the required fields on their Roommate profile.
  2. Applicants can specify which of the available profile fields for searching they are comfortable sharing with potential roommates. ‘All applicants’ means it will be available for anyone who is searching for potential roommates. ‘My contacts’ is if it should only be viewable to other applicants once an applicant accepts a contact request from another applicant. Applicants may also decide to make certain profile fields ‘Private’ and not shared with anyone.
  3. The last section allows the applicants to provide any social media and contact information that they are comfortable sharing with other applicants to facilitate communication. These are only viewable by approved contacts.
  4. Once an applicant has completed their Roommate profile and has turned it on, they will be able to access the Roommate search and Contacts menus.
  5. The Roommate search allows applicants to filter based on profile fields for potential matching roommates. These searchable fields are configured by the Residence Life.
  6. Roommate search results will return a list of matches based on the filters selected. For each result the applicant can easily add another applicant to a roommate group, send a contact request, or block them.
  7. Once the applicant sends a contact request, the other applicant will receive an email to log back in to approve the contact request. All contacts (current contacts, pending contact requests, and blocked contacts) are easily viewable from the Contacts menu.

Roommate Groups

  • Click the “create new roommate group” link. This link is only available after you have submitted your housing application.
  • Enter a “group name” and enter the email address(es) of your roommate(s).
  • Please note the maximum number of roommates. You must know their email address exactly as listed in their eRezLife application.
  • Click “save” to create your roommate group.
  • Your roommate group will be listed. Click the group name to make any edits (such as change group name or remove/add roommate members). Click “delete” to remove the roommate group entirely.

If I am accepted to a program, how is placement determined?

In most instances (Greek Housing, General Housing Selection, and Senior Specialized Housing), students will choose their own space. There are some housing options (Luce Language & Culture Suites and First-Generation Student Housing) where students will be placed to some degree by the Residence Life staff. Here are the factors that are considered when students are placed in housing: approved housing accommodations, gender identity, and housing preferences. The Residence Life Office will do their best to place groups and individuals so that as many students as possible can take advantage of the housing option while also doing their best to meet student preferences.

The Room Lottery Process

  1. After you have applied for housing in eRezLife, you can check your application status when you login. 
  2. Your application and application status can be viewed under the Housing Overview page. 
  3. Prior to entering the Room Lottery Process, you will be able to preview rooms under the Housing Overview page.
  4. You may search for specific rooms. Vacant rooms are indicated by the “open bed” icon, and rooms that are unavailable to you are indicated by the “crossed off bed” icon.
  5. To make the room selection process easier, you can mark your favorite room(s) and view only your favorite room(s) during the Room Lottery Process later. 
  6.  Once you are eligible to enter the Room Lottery Process, you will see a ‘Browse Rooms ‘button at the top of the Housing Overview page.
  7. Click the ‘Browse Rooms’ button to browse rooms and make your selection.
  8. You may search for specific rooms by building/section and/or other residence preferences. 
  9. Click the “open bed” icon to select your room. You will not be able to make a selection on any unavailable rooms.  
  10. A dialog window will be prompted with details of the selected room. Click the ‘choose this bed’ button..
  11. Review the details of your room reservation. Click on ‘Assign me now‘ to confirm your assignment. Click the ‘look at other rooms’ link to browse other rooms. 
  12. Alternatively, you can also cancel the current room reservation and look at other available rooms by clicking the ‘cancel this reservation and continue looking at rooms’ link. 
  13. You can cancel your current reservation and choose from alternate available rooms until the room selection deadline indicated. 
  14. If you have a roommate group, you can also pull them in and place your roommates nearby.
  15. You then have the option to move roommates into different beds by selecting ‘reassign beds’. 

What should I do if I have more questions?

Your Resident Assistant (RA) can be a great resource for you! Reach out to them and ask your questions! You can also feel free to call the Residence Life Office (330-263-2498) or schedule a meeting by emailing reslife@wooster.edu. Our Office is open from 9:00am-5:00pm to answer questions, please feel free to stop by and speak with us!